Alle Specials
Withering Surface Tour Report - Withering Surface (Odin, 2003-05-14)
Michael H. Andersen wrote into his diary... (zum Artikel)
Gallery: Wolf, Nocturnal Rites, Saxon live 17.01.2003 (Odin, 2003-05-12)
Osnabrück hailed Metal... (zum Artikel)
War Of Worlds (gargantouas, 2003-03-20)
Date: 19th of March, 2003, Time: 23:30 CET, Location: Earth. (zum Artikel)
Offener Brief an Nuclear Blast (Odin, 2003-03-06)
Kollege Lex von MetalGlory fasst einige Gedanken um das Thema Kopierschutz in Worte und richtet diese stellvertretend an Nuclear Blast. (zum Artikel)
Lost Diamonds Pt. 1 (gargantouas, 2003-02-25)
This first part of the special intents to present some albums to you that are diamonds, but unfortunately their bands have been lost... (zum Artikel)
Rage - Trapped In Their Missing World: Part II - Rage (gargantouas, 2003-01-22)
The second period of Rage had just begun. (zum Artikel)
Rage - Trapped In Their Missing World: The History - Rage (gargantouas, 2003-01-21)
Being romantic sometimes helps. Because when someone tries to write a few words about a band called Rage, then most of the time it is romance that guides him. (zum Artikel)
Progressive Metal - A Walkthrough (gargantouas, 2003-01-17)
Year: 1986. Season: Fall. Place: Berkley University. Mission: The invention of a new metal genre. (zum Artikel)

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